Saturday, October 13, 2012

Who is Evil? Who is Good? Who are just plain.... Smelly?

Ok. Back from our 2 week long festival. It was.... Boring. Nothing to do. Boring masks.
Anyway, we finally came back to the castle. The shadow(who's name was Dusk, as she has given us) showed us around the castle once more. She told us about the secret passageways, and which traps and which secrets they hold. She told us about the artillery, and what they do. She told us about the Room of the Past, which holds all the happenings of Tori since the beginning of time. She told us of the secret meeting place. And finally, she told us of the magic that Toris have long forgotten until now. The whole trip, Solarius fidgeted around nervously. "The presence of evil lies around here's just waiting, waiting anxiously to sneak up on us.", she had told me. Even I, too, had felt a shudder of cold once in a while. But it couldn't be Dusk. Right?
The next morning, there wasa huge surprise. Everything, everything Dusk had showed us was destroyed. The magic walls that once protected us as well as the army were nowhere to be seen. Solarius was still sleeping. That sleepyhead. I mean, Moon wolves are nocturnal. They stay up at night. But if they ever wake up in the mornings they would slouch around and act like a living dummy. But the weird thing came only last. No one was around but us. I went back to my bedroom where Solarius was. Huh. I thought Solarius was sleeping in her bed. Then I remembered something. When Dusk had taught us about the history and magic of Tori in the Room of the Past,she mentioned something about Moon wolves teleporting randomly, getting the hang of it as they get older until they reach full maturity. Well, at least I know Solarius isnt mature enough. That made me laugh softly. But the eerie silence except for fire crackling and Solarius snoring had a presence of evil. Nothing, nothing except Nightstar's army would break that wall. Especially not without throwing a whole bunch of cheeseburgers and pickles and then kicking it a trillion times. But still, we would have felt,heard. And saw it,. Who was the enemy?

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Hello, I'm Eclipse! Be sure to comment a lot, and I mean a lot! If you don't comment a lot I will speak the Curse of No Cheese! What? It's a serious curse! Now I will speak the Cheese command. Du lee fah!